
My Dear GR8 Visitors, Now u can Leave ur comment In comment Box!!!!!


To the Owner of this web site,
Your content on the site needs some SERIOUS updating, Ma'am or Sir. Everything is very old. I happen to have some experience in this line of work, and would love to help you update your site with newer content for every category listed, and without cost to you. I have never charged any downloaders of my posted content ever. I just love to share is all. I don't know how to contact you to offer my services for your site, since there is no Contact info which shows, and you are not using Disques. I am Xeny, and have posted on a few popular sites, a few are LeeGT Games, JFF Games, and Metro. I wrote a message to you on this site about 2 years ago, approximately, concerning this exact issue, and I did return a couple of days later to see if a response had been made, none had been, and then I forgot to check anymore, thinking you might think the comment made by some jokester, but I am completely serious, I am harmless, though I do have a wild sense of humor not all appreciate, LOL, I am true to my word, that I simply want to help this site become what it should be, or could be, as I find it lacking in the extreme, and yeah, it bothers me. I wonder as to why you let it just sit on the Net ROTTING away, like this. Its condition should bother you more than me, you are its owner, but for at least 3 years, you have done nothing to update or upgrade it, or the warez in which it provides. NO ONE with a sane mind wants OLD softwares, games, and few these movies that are ancient. Let me help you upgrade the site. All I can do until you post a contact link/email address on this site for visitors to inquire about information, is to leave this message for you, and return in a short time to see if you have replied. Please provide a contact in which I might email you the owner. I can then provide you with info in which you can use to verify my info, so you might have evidence, that I am sincere, just want to help, and this info will be given to you by reputable Net users, web site owners, and warez software uploaders/providers etc.

Your site is in great need, Ma'am or Sir.

Thanks, Xeny

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